Geology of Fogo Island, Newfoundland. I took inspiration from spectacular rocks and leading public geology hikes as Geologist in Residence (August 2019). I tried to capture the geologic fabric of each distinct region of the island in wool.

Some of my knitterly friends and I were discussing the idea of writing knitting patterns inspired by the principles of Leave No Trace (LNT). I had already been toying with the idea of using Twine to write an interactive fiction. I combined these two inspirations together to make a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure style knitting pattern story based on the 7 LNT principles. The negative impacts of each trace left are represented as irreparable mars in the final product.

I wanted to play with 3D freeform knitting and ended up with a landscape. It is called Cablestone Knitted National Park. It is named for the cabled dunes in the top left. These dunes were intentionally designed using knotted fabric that creates wisps (of sand blown by the wind), distinct stockinette stitch (ripples on the dune surface) and bulky cables (the dunes themselves).

Ophiolite sequences are incredible examples of geologic textures. They are preserved sections of oceanic crust and I have an ongoing project of representing these rocks in knitted fabric.